Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome Blog Reader

Well, this is my first blog. I didn't think I would ever get into this "fad" but I guess it's no longer a fad. It's a lifestyle. Millions upon millions of people have hopped onto this bandwagon making it overflow and forcing people live on the proverbial trails and keep blogging. That declares it a lifestyle. I figured that since I had wrote so many rants and notes on Facebook, it was time to upgrade to a more professional setting. Hence, Things To Read On A Day Of The Year was born. This most likely won't be a daily thing, possibly tri-weekly. Or if something happens randomly I'll post something about it. But this is really only for the people that will read these on a daily basis. I would like to thank Graham Watson, a big tall gay man living out of a shack in Amsterdam, for showing me the way to this Blog. As well as Dayleigh Nelson, a squat overweight Jewish male from Afganistan, for inspiring me to write a blog. It was his blog that got me started writing notes on Facebook. To read said bloggers blogs, go to 

It's a good blog. Interesting shit he says. Legacy points, actors, God and victorian comics. Always a good chuckle. Your welcome for the plus Dayleigh.

A third thank you goes to Ben Rowley, a big dumb jerkhole named Ben Rowley, for suggesting I start a blog. Without your words Ben, I probably would of started a blog anyways, just not as soon.

Finally, Jake Scherer, the stupidest pile of shit I have ever met, for letting me use his computer to start this blog up.

That's all the "thank you's" I am handing out today. No one else is deserving of them. Not the readers just yet. As you haven't read this yet. Not until after you read it will I be thanking you. Unless you are reading it as I type, in which case i say "Get the fuck out of here, this is meant to be read after I finish writing it. Why would I post this if you are already here reading it as I type it. If that were the case I would just type it and then delete it all. Do you know how much backspacing I would have to do? Yeah, I COULD just close the window but I still want to use the internet. Oh yeah, just type in a different URL? Fuck off... this is my blog... go sit over there on the couch and wait for me to post it. God damnit man!" 

I don't wanna have to say all that.

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