Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Apology

To Mr. Patrick Swayze. And this isn't so much to say "I'm sorry" as it is to say that I too admire him and his acting skills. The tasteless joke was just my way of saying "Hang in there... like Micheal Hutchence."

You see, Swayze has been in classic movies that molded our lives. Well... it was more our parents' teen generation. But Dirty Dancing, Road house, and the SNL Chippendale skit with Chris Farley are all staples in the entertainment industry. Black Dog is wicked too... Meat Loaf, Randy Travis... bitchin. So there really is no reason for me to dislike this man. If anything I look up to him. Not as much as some other people, but look up nonetheless.

Micheal Hutchence... died hanging trying to jerk off. Sounds stupid. Until you hear the "scientific" version. Auto-erotic Asphixiation. Alliteration's are automatically badass. Thus making his death sad, yet badass.

So hopefully you all accept my "apology" and keep reading. I wouldn't of written this if it wasn't for someone saying that the Swayze comment was a little "not cool" to some that may not know my humor. Well, it's tasteless and raunchy and mostly offensive. With a little dry wit and childish jokes.

This is fucking gay.

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