Monday, May 11, 2009

Fuck These Things

Some things have recently come to my attention that I think need addressing. Firstly, today I went to a little All You Can Eat Sushi place. The food, delicious, the service, shit. Why? Well I am pretty sure it was because it was 4 white males going out for some delicious and well made sushi. I don't see whities disrespecting yellowfaces when they come into our Restaurants an eat our cuisine. All I wanted was some good food and good times. Well... I did get that... but the waiter was a fucking dick. And a big one at that, which is surprising for someone like him. (That was a shot at his tiny asian manhood.)

Secondly is elections. I don't vote. I don't see a need to. There are how many people here in Canada? Exactly, let them decide who runs our country. I highy doubt that my one vote will make a fucking difference. And if it does, well then sorry for fucking our country over? I dunno... I also don't care. I also also believe that just because I don't vote, I should still be able to complain when the goverment fucks up. Just because I didn't vote, doesn't mean I don't live in Canada and under thier rules. The only thing I could possibly do if I voted is show that there is one person out there that votes for the Lenin-Marxist party, or the Green party. So if I vote for one of them and they don't win do I still get a say? All I'm trying to say is that whether I vote or not, it won't fucking matter to anyone.

Thirdly... Chicago can suck my fucking dick.


  1. "So if I vote for one of them and they don't win do I still get a say?"
    Yes, absolutely. That's the joy of democracy.

    Also, holy racism, Batman!

  2. Vote for me, I'm bringing back catapults
